Thursday, August 9, 2012

Best 3 weeks ever!

Our daughter has a trending tagline she attaches to most everything she really enjoys. She enjoys plenty of we hear "this was the best day ever" at a weekly rate along with plenty of other "best" occasions. Well, our entire family must have the best 3 weeks coming up that I can recall in recent memory (although I am known to be much like Trinity). Here is the breakdown that is consuming our minds, hearts, and emotion just in case all the previous 2012 posts have been skimmed or missed entirely:

**Beginning in 72 hours - reunite with Crystal & kids after 2 months of daily reminders on why I love having a family and how much I miss them

**Flying to Florida (albeit for only a 24hr period) to see all the family again as we leave the kids behind

**We leave the kids behind (>insert slight sarcasm)

**Paperwork and persistent prayer come to fruition for our China trip

**Crystal and I get our first international date night in Beijing

**Crystal and I hope to enjoy our 2nd international date night (awake & less jet lagged) in Beijing

**God provides an answered prayer with a new son

**A bigger family reunites to finally make our new house(which has been awesome) a home

**God wants to ensure we are never too comfortable, so he has provided us a puppy (chocolate lab) as the cherry on top a day after returning to ensure our home stays a bit CRAZY.

Words can't describe the excitement and anticipation for these next, "best weeks ever." After this year, we will take God's CALLING and life's "crazy" anytime...what an awesome ride it has been! We will be blogging from China onto our adoption-only blog (link this page, top right). See everyone on the flip side!! I really have tried to keep the "!" to a minimum...but !!!! I !!!!!!!! am un!!able !!!! to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
