Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Flight

Well, I have finished with two flights in the F-22A Raptor...and let me just say, you all are getting your money worth. It is a pretty sweet jet and is very overwhelming in terms of how different it is from "older" jets. My first flight was pretty unique because my old squadron, the 19th FS, is down here at Tyndall on a deployment. So, on taxi back I saw a few old friends in their F-15Cs along with driving past the 19th Flagship on the ramp. It was just a strange feeling to have the exact jets I flew right there next to me even though I am in Florida. Anyway, the jet is great and I am looking forward to learning more every day with it.

Crystal and the kids are doing good and enjoying the beach. We have started Trinity in a homeschooling Pre-K program that is going great. She and Crystal really enjoy they're "school time" during the day. Jack is the same crazy little man and is getting more personality by the day. It is great to have them here, but it's a little tough to not have the usual Alaska network of friends around.

Gator football is around the corner!!! We'll get some new pictures posted soon.

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