Monday, August 4, 2008

Last Update From Alaska

Sorry for the very overdue update.  Quite a bit has happened since January, but I will try to sum it up quickly.  Around April sometime we found out we would be moving.  This news was both exciting and nerve wracking.  Exciting because we would be moving to Tyndall AFB in Panama City, FL (we are going home... or as close as we can get to home!); nerve wracking because we need to sell a house we just bought a year ago.  Most of May and June were spent cleaning and hosting Open Houses.  Mom Sailer, Austin, and Travis came to visit the first week of June, which gave us a much needed break.  We also celebrated Jack's 2nd birthday on June 14th.  
After about 6 weeks on the market, without a single offer, we felt the need to advertise our house for rent.  God provided us with someone almost immediately.  My new favorite saying has become "God may not always give you what you want, but He always gives you what you need"!  The movers arrived at our house on July 7th and on July 8th we celebrated Trinity's 5th birthday.  (Can you believe my baby is 5?!)  
On the night of July 8th, I flew by myself to Minneapolis, where I met two other girlfriends for a much needed break.  We enjoyed several days of shopping, eating at restaurants (without needing to cut up food for children), and relaxing in the jacuzzi.  Within a few days of my return to Alaska, Tyson flew a jet to Guam where he stayed for two weeks.  A couple of days before leaving Guam, Tyson had his fini flight.  For those of you who may not understand pilot jargon, a fini flight basically means your last flight with the squadron.  He was able to fly his fini flight with Keagan "Waldo" McLeese and Ryan "Race" Graf, both good friends.  They were also able to each drop a live bomb for training purposes.
Now we will spend the next couple of days preparing for our trip to Florida.  We will be driving the whole way from Alaska to Florida, which will take us about 10 plus days.  We were fortunate enough to have already found a home in Florida, so we won't have to spend any time house hunting once we arrive.  I will try to post some of our favorite pictures from the last few months and keep everyone posted on our whereabouts over the next few weeks.  We will be seeing many of you very soon!!!

1 comment:

keenbliss said...

Yeah! Have you figured out your route yet? I hope your drive goes well and there isn't too much crisis from the back seat!