Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Update

Hey all, here is an update on our 2011 travels and what we expect in 2012.  First of all, we have been so blessed this year and are so thankful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...He certainly guided us through some difficult times early in the year and now provides us with a renewed spirit going into the new year.  I know some have found this blog through our Christmas card and may have seen the word "adoption" for the first time...yes, we are adopting!!  This has been a wonderful journey thus far and you can read all about it through the link on the right side of our page (an entire blog just dedicated to our adoption progress and decision).  Besides the adoption...

Crystal had another wonderful year teaching the kids through her homeschooling curriculum.  It provides different challenges with each semester, but she and the kids enjoy it and they learn so much.  Trinity (8) is currently in 3rd grade with Jack (5) in Kindergarten.  She is our artist who would rather be exploring than sitting at a desk while Jack is our worksheet expert.  They both excel in their own way and Crystal has been able to adapt things perfectly to maximize learning styles.  I am unable to speak highly enough of how much love, compassion, and knowledge has passed to the kids through her daily dedication.  She is such an incredible mother and woman!  Other than the homeschooling, they have all been involved in some extra curricular activities.

Trinity has really taken a liking to theater dance within a cooperative program where she has been able to make some great friends and perform a few end-of-semester productions.  She also just finished up with gymnastics.  Apart from school, you normally find her designing outfits (pages and pages worth) or tinkering with her new iPod.  Jack took part in football this year...something I personally enjoyed.  He did awesome for his first year as the youngest, but toughest 5 year old warrior out there.  He played offensive tackle along with center through the year and now wants to be a football player.  You'll find him being a standard boy...loud and full of energy with any type of movement interpreted as the start of a wrestling match.

Almost done...lots to cover.  Crystal volunteered as president for a cooperative homeschool program here in Panama City.  She was in charge of 50+ homeschooling families that met weekly to hold classroom sessions to give children exposure to subjects enhanced by that type of environment/interaction.  This kept her more than busy...but she did so great and received many thanks by all the families.  She also volunteered once again to be an AWANA leader at the church and Trinity/Jack both did that program again this year.  I am anxious to see what she tackles next in our upcoming assignment.

That brings us to the other big news; we are moving NEXT month.  I have really enjoyed my time flying the E-9A here at Tyndall and we will miss all our friends here in Panama City, but I have decided to act on some advice given about a career transition.  We have orders to Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, where I will pilot the MQ-9 "Reaper" Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA).  We are excited to be moving to an area that should provide some Alaska-type adventures again, and I am truly excited with the opportunity to pilot a tactical, fighting platform again despite my medical setback a couple of years ago (even if it is via remote)!  Camping seems to be our family calling and the Black Hills of SD are right down the street.

Thanks for all the love, support, and prayers over the past year.  We thank God daily for the many friends and family he has provided...that's what it's all about.  Merry Christmas!!

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